
Setting the seedlings free!

Hello Again, Friends of the Farm!

Our next mini market is Saturday, April 23rd!  It is the LAST mini market of the season…  You’re on your own till Lakefield Farmers’ Market, Thursday, May 26th or Port Perry Farmers’ MarketSaturday, June 4th!  Or you can get a Certified Organic Summer vegetable share, and get your veggies every week starting end of May or beginning of June depending on Mother Nature’s mood…

No complaints about the weather this week!  The seedlings were eager to get out into the fresh air, so Jess has been cultivating (as always the dogs are ready to help out.)

So far, the onions, leeks, kale, Swiss chard and lettuce have made there way into the field!

Jeanne came to help too 🙂

We will be having another mini market this Saturday, April 23rd.  This week we are trying the Google Order Form again, with adjustments!

Please send us your order either by completing the form, or by sending an email byThursday morning, April 21st  – and your feedback on the form too!

Here is the link: Mini Market Order Form

Email us if you are having trouble – but just in case, here is a list of what is available this week:

Farm Fresh Vegetables:

Farm Products:

Farm Fresh Meats:

Don’t forget to sign up for our 2016 Summer CSA! We have now confirmed our address for the Port Perry drop-off location: 170 Casimir St. in Port Perry. This year we are including an option for an apple share from Prima Orchard!  Starting in July/August and ending in October, you get 1 or 2 quarts of apples/pears/tart cherries. The cost would be $50 – email us for details!

Thanks for supporting local, sustainable agriculture!


Your farmer,

Signs of Spring!

Hello, Friends of the Farm!

This past week – Jess was out picking up supplies in Elmira for the start of the growing season; potting soil, cell packs and web trays.  And yes – the celeriac and celery have sprouted!  Onions, leeks and more have been sown too.  I guess that means you should all be signing up for your 2016 Summer CSA!  Get in touch for more details on where we are delivering to this season…

While Jess was in Elmira – she visited with some Percherons.  Sure sign of spring?  Knock kneed foals!

Foals in Elmira


We are having yet another Mini Market on Saturday, March 5th from 10 am to 4 pm.  Get your orders in by Thursday, March 3rd in the morning!

Here’s what we have:

Farm Fresh Vegetables:

Farm Products:

Farm Fresh Meats:

As always – if there is ever a problem with our product – or if you would like to know more about a product, please get in touch!  We can only improve with your help!

Don’t forget to sign up for our Certified Organic Vegetable Share!  Thanks for supporting local, sustainable agriculture!


Your farmer,

May Happenings



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Farm Happenings
We have had an incredibly busy two weeks! The remaining members of our crew arrived the first week of May. Welcome Colin & Amy!
We had an amazing Open House May 9th, with huge attendance. Thanks to Heather, Leah, & Aunt Helen for their tour guide skills!
And thanks, Jan, from Qi for Change, for offering up your skills in healing .
Chocolate Milk loved visiting with friendly new and familiar faces.
We will be contacting those of your who won draw prizes shortly. Thanks for attending and spreading the good word.
We welcomed some cute additions to the farm – Indian Runner Ducklings; Cool Runnings, Bannanee, & Robert Larmer.
We attended our first CRAFT (Collaborative Regional Alliance for Farmers in Training) at Wheelbarrow Farm. Enjoyed an awesome tour and an educational session on farm safety.
A few of us have also gotten another year older! Heather and John celebrated their birthdays with us this week!
Cheers, Jess


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Our Open House is THIS Saturday, from 11am until 4pm!

For best selection, place your order by tomorrow, Thursday, May 7

FREE – sign up for a share at the Open House and receive one dozen farm fresh eggs

PRIZE DRAWS – Packages of beef, pork, milk-fed veal, and Gift Certificates

Visit with baby calves.  Tour the farm, the garden, and the hoop houses, and visit with the horses.  Check out the Happy Hen House.

Also an vital part of the farm – meet our farmers and our growing team of interns for this season!

Available for purchase at the farm any time, and during the open house:

Asparagus — $4.50/lb!!

Eggs, Fresh Pork, including Bacon, Ham Steaks & Roasts, Sausages, Chops, humanly raised Veal, Beef, Potatoes, Parsnips, and local Honey !
Don’t forget to register for your share!
Winter CSA sign up will start in June, however; you can get your name on a waiting list if you drop an email or give us a call!

Jan, our friendly local Acupressurist from ‘Qi for Change’, will be at the Open House.

She’ll be offering neck and shoulder releases (10 min) to top off your day of country delights with some restful ease.  No fee for Open House day! Chat with her about booking sessions on Tuesdays or Saturdays during July and August.