Lunar Rhythm Gardens

Putting the Culture back in Agriculture

Certified Organic CSA Farm

April is here! So is the snow…


Lenny and Grey in bush

This week we’ve been pretty busy making our new team feel welcome.  Lenny is a 12 year old Belgian stud who seems to love to please.  Mr. Grey is a 7 year old Percheron who is slow and steady and very willing to learn.  They are making a great training team for new teamsters!  Calvin and Peg took me to work on Wednesday.  They behaved great on the road and they’re conditioning seems to be coming along well, since they managed a 12 km trip without any problems.  This week we also took Calvin and Lenny to the bush and they performed brilliantly pulling out logs singly.






Calvin and Lenny on roadLenny pulling out logs

boiling sap with kids  We also started boiling the sap down with the help of some small friends.


This week we will be doing more seeding and potting out the new seedlings.  We have some pork available if you are interested, and of course the tail end of the onions, parsnips and beets.  Contact us if you’re interested.

Lastly – check us out on Facebook!  You can search for Lunar Rhythm Gardens if the link does not take you there.  Looking forward to seeing you there!