Lunar Rhythm Gardens

Putting the Culture back in Agriculture

Certified Organic CSA Farm

Into the garden we go…


Well, we finally made it into the garden this week!   The onions are being planted, and they do look so beautiful all in a row.

Onion planting

Grow, onions!  Grow!

Meanwhile, the hoop house is becoming quite green:

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These are little baby kohlrabi, kale and pak choy.  Yum yum!

And of course there are many more seedlings waiting for their turn to go into the garden:

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The horses got lots of exercise last week, as well as some trimming.  Hopefully we will still find time to take them out each day for a walk around the block.  Lenny and Mr. Grey are coming along well; their stamina is increasing as they become more accustomed to working on the farm.  Talk to you again next week!


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