Lunar Rhythm Gardens

Putting the Culture back in Agriculture

Certified Organic CSA Farm

We’re growing, in so many ways!


The onion, leek, celery and celeriac seedlings have been coming along nicely!

Now we have started seedlings in the greenhouse – kale, kohlrabi, lettuces to be transplanted into the hoop house eventually.  Hard to believe that on sunny days, we don’t even have to heat the greenhouse these days – it gets pretty hot in there!

We are also growing the business this year – as we plan to add more shares and accept new members for the 2014 season.  So let your friends know about us!

Our next on-farm mini market is going to be on Saturday, March 15th from 11 am until 6 pm.  Please get your orders in by Tuesday, March 11th.  We have sausages newly arrived – ask us for details!

Here’s what’s available this week:

Beets  $1.50/lb
Potatoes $1/lb
Rutabagas $3/lb
Onions $1/lb
Garlic $1/each

Depending on availability:
Kale $3 for small bags, $5 for large bags
Mesclun $3 for small bags, $5 for large bags
Spinach $3 for small bags, $5 for large bags

Jars of pesto (made by Backyard Bounty from our own farm products) $6.50 each

Frozen peppers $3/300 g
Bars of soap (made by us from our own farm products) $4 each
Jars of honey $11/1 L, $6.50/500 mL, $3/250 mL
Lunar Rhythms Solar Dance cookbooks available $20 eachHalf veal $7/lb
Veal piece meal
Quarter beef $5.50/lb
Beef piece meal
Chickens whole and half $7/kg
Stewing hens $8 each
Sausages, bacon, peameal bacon
Pork piece meal
Eggs $3.50/dz
Lamb (chops, sausage and burger)

Cheers and Smile!