Lunar Rhythm Gardens

Putting the Culture back in Agriculture

Certified Organic CSA Farm

Mini-Market February 7th





Hello to all!

There are changes at the farm!!  Unfortunately Margie is not continuing with the duties as coordinator of the  newsletter, blog and website.
A family friend, Eileen (Heather and Leah’s mother), will be taking over coordinating and posting for social media and newsletters.
Along with this change we will be introducing a new format – Heather & Leah will be providing fun photos and updates on farm events. Furthermore,  staff will be contributing to the newsletter, increasing the level of community involvement! (Please have patience  as we work out the kinks!)

Cheers, Jessica Foote

We will be holding an on-farm mini market on Saturday, February 7th.  Please get your order in to us by Tuesday, February 4th so that we can have it packed for you and ready to pick up.  Call or text 905-986-9612, or email

Please remember that all cheques are to be made out to “Jessica Foote”.  Here’s what we have available:



Farm Products