Strawberries and Kale are here!
MiscellaneousThe farm was busy this week having hosted a school group & CRAFT Day in one week!
BJ helped to haul the potatoes up from the root cellar – it was so wet the wagons couldn’t go!
Strawberries are here!
Our sweet potatoes went in the ground this week! Broccoli is starting to form and our Brussels sprouts are ready to be transplanted. Oh, and the kale is ready too 🙂
If anyone is able to help with weeding it would be awesome; with all the rain weeds have taken off! We have also had another helper moving down to part time as he got a great contract offer in his field. So we are a little short handed these days…
Look forward to seeing you at market – we have fresh beef & Yellowlees lamb in stock now! Lakefield Farmers’ Market is Thursdays from 9 am to 2 pm, and Port Perry Farmers’ Market is Saturdays from 8 am to 1 pm. Thanks for your continued support: you make it possible for local farms to be sustainable!
Cheers, Jess!